Sunday, August 12, 2012

Display Photo Book for FenCon

I'm hoping to attend FenCon IX this year so that I can do some promoting for my cover designs.  I'll be printing out some poster size copies of a few of my covers as well as setting out some business cards.  I will also have the below book created on Shutterfly so display some of my stuff as well.  I'll be sharing a table with T.M. Simmons, but if I'm not able to be in attendance then it will be just her with some of my stuff.

Click here to view this photo book larger
You'll love Shutterflys award-winning photo books. Try it today.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Exclusive Stock - Cemetery Pack 1

This stock was created exclusively for the Ghost Hunting Diary Volume IV (by T.M. Simmons) book cover. Photos were taken at Dry Creek Cemetary in Poetry, TX over the course of two trips (a week apart).  This pack includes all seven stock images used to create the cover.

Since this is an exclusive stock, it will not be available for download on deviantArt.  Due to the time and effort it took to go out an get these pictures there will be a one-time purchase fee of $50, payable through PayPal, to use these images.  You will be alowed to use them for personal or commercial use as long as you follow the Usage Agreement Guidlines (included in the pack).

If you are interested in purchase, please contact me.

Ghost Hunting Diary Volume IV Cover

I went out and took stock pictures at Dry Creek Cemetery so that I wouldn't have to hunt all over for stock this time around. 

Kindle Link: Coming Soon
T.M. Simmons: Website   &  Facebook

Stock Used
Background & Tombstones - policegirl01
Building - cyborgsuzystock
Grass - fairiegoodmother
Font - OptimusPrinceps