Thursday, September 12, 2013

FenCon 2013

I will have a table setup at FenCon on October 5th, from 12 - 2 pm.  I will be sharing it with TM Simmons.

I will be selling stock packs, taking book cover commissions, & have several prints for sale.  Here's a quick list of the prints I will have:
I'll be updating the list as I go.  I'm still deciding what to take.  I will be at the convention the while weekend, so if you miss me at the table you should be able to find me wandering around.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I've had a lot going on lately so I'm way behind on getting stuff up here.  There are several new book covers & a website,  as well as some logo commissions.  I'll try to get them up later this week.

Current Commissions
  • Silent Prey by T.M. Simmons - ???; still in early phase 
  • Untitled Beckham Hotel Book by T.M. Simmons & Various Authors (full cover)
  • Wanda by CL Smothers
  • The Last 40 Days by CL Smothers

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Commissions & Updates

I had to go in for knee surgery on the 3rd, so I've had to put all work on hold this month.  I'm currently staying at my parents house due to the fact that I can't get up the steps to get into my own.  I should be heading home sometime this coming Sunday.  Once home, I will be focusing mainly on C L's webpage so that I can get that one done first.  I not sure which romances I'll be working on for Trana yet & Grave Yarns will only take me a little bit to redo.  I also have another stock pack to get up as well.

Current Commissions
  • Grave Yarns by T.M. Simmons (redesign)
  • Silent Prey by T.M. Simmons (no set start date)
  • TBD Romance by Trana Mae Simmons
  • TBD Romance by Trana Mae Simmons
  • TBD Romance by Trana Mae Simmons
  • TBD Romance by Trana Mae Simmons
  • Web Page for C L Smothers
    • background
    • buttons
    • banner
    • images scanned
    • 3 pages (including index)
Misc Stuff
  • Supernatural Art (dA group) Secret Santa -- Horror/Marcarbe/PM poster
  • Screener's Poster Exchange -- maybe

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pic from FenCon 2012

Although I wasn't able to be at FenCon in person, a bunch of my stuff was.  My friend Amanda got a picture of our table that was set up on Friday from 4 to 5pm.  Next year we are going to get the table for a few hours on Saturday since the majority of the people attending will be there then.

I got the covers prited at Walmart for about $19 total.  It should have been way more due to the fact that they ended up printing them on canvas (CANVAS!!!!!) because they were out of the regular poster paper.  They looked great.  I'll get a better pic of them a little later and put it up.

Trana w/ her books & my posters.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Neil Armstrong
August 5, 1930 - August 25, 2012

The first man to walk on the moon.  A true hero.

Stock Used:
Moon - oblivionmasquerade
Stars - kuschelirmel
Font - OptimusPrinceps SemiBold

Dead Man Hand Cover

Who would have thought that they would ever see an elk playing poker?  This one was super fun to do since I made almost all the stock used. 

Special thanks goes out to Carls & Amanda for letting me borrow their poker set, and to Trana for bringing over the whiskey bottles.

Available: Kindle
T.M. Simmons: Website  & Facebook

Stock Used:
Skeleton - twins72-stocks
Elk - gsdark-stock
Table, cards & poker chips - The Poker Pack Exclusive Stock Pack   dA | Blog
Bottles - Jack Daniel's Bottles Stock Pack   dA | Blog
Stools - hand drawn by me
Font - BONES

MP-1 Cover

CL told me it need to have a planet with two moons, & everything else was up to me.  I love it when I can go crazy on covers.  I used the same nebula & font from the first cover to keep up with the sort-of theme.  The hardest part overall was finding the flares.  I saw several good packs with PNG files but were way too expensive.  The pack I went with were on a black background, so I edied out as much as I could and screened them.  After adjusting the brightness/contrast a bit, everything blended right in.

There are a total of three flares layered at various opacities (is that even a word?).  I was going for a light effect where you would be seeing the light washing over the view-port/screen upon entering the atmosphere or on approaching the planet.  It also (unintentionally) gave it a bit of a 3D effect.
The moons are also the same moon, just reversed with altered color and added shadows.

Kindle Link - Coming Soon

Stock Used:
Planet - : superiorgamer
Flares - hakeryk
Moons - theedeonknight
Nebula - ineedfire
Title/Author Font - Super Retro M45