It looks like 2015 is going to be a busy year. I already have a few cover that I'm starting some prep-work for, and there are several that I know for sure that I will be doing during the year.
As far as conventions go, I've gotten a weekend pass for Who Fest 2. I want to get a rent table, but I don't know how much they will be right now. I also don't know if I will have much else besides the leftover FenCon posters...mostly due to time constraints & table info limbo.
FenCon will also be a go this year too. I am planing on having buttons of varying sizes this year, possibly some books of authors I've done some covers for (possibly C.L. Smothers & Alexander Fernandez), steampunk jewelry (made by my mom), and some crochet/arm knit things in Doctor Who colors/theme.
I will also have some things out at the Beckham Spirit Fest too, but probably not a whole lot.